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Tidying data in R with pivot_wider()
Tidying Data in R with pivot_longer()
Use pivot_wider() to shape your data. R programming from beginners.
Tidying Data in R using pivot_longer() and pivot_wider()
Use pivot_longer() to shape and manipulate your data. R programming for beginners.
Data Cleaning in R Tidyr: Pivot_Longer, Pivot_Wider
pivot_longer & pivot_wider Functions of tidyr Package in R | Reshape Data from Wide to Long Format
Tidy is in the eye of the beholder: How to use pivot_wider and pivot_longer (and kable)(CC040)
Reshaping data in R to be long or wide with pivot_longer and pivot_wider (CC185)
tidyR Package | Tidying data with pivot_wider function
Using the tidyr pivot_wider function
Cleaning Data Using tidyr: Pivoting Wide Data to be Longer